If you get beets with their greens on, cut the greens off the roots and store them separately in plastic bags in your fridge. The roots without their greens will last for weeks, if not months.
Cooking inspiration
We’ve found that the key to delicious beets is boiling them whole until tender and eating them with real butter and salt while still warm. Though you can certainly eat beets raw in a smoothie or salad, or steam them, why not try putting them on the BBQ? When we put our beets on the grill we make sure to pre boil them shortly before putting them on the fire. You can also oven roast a batch of beets ahead of time and use them throughout the week to make dips, soups, sandwiches, or salads. They are also good as quick vinegar pickles or made into a probiotic drink called kvass. If they come with greens, cook the greens as you would chard.